Into the Ice

Into the Ice

Billede galleri / Picture gallery



I dokumentarfilmen INTO THE ICE følger vi en række banebrydende forskningsekspeditioner på den grønlandske indlandsis. Isen smelter, og det vil resultere i enorme stigninger i verdens have og få store konsekvenser for hele verden. Instruktør Lars Ostenfeld har fået unik adgang til at følge nogle af verdens førende glaciologer dybt ind i klimaforandringernes smeltende hjerte. Med livet som indsats søger de ny og vigtig data, der skal hjælpe os med at svare på et af tidens mest presserende spørgsmål: Hvor hurtigt smelter isen – og hvor lang tid har vi dermed til at lægge en plan for verden? Isen selv gemmer på svaret.




INTO THE ICE follows a number of groundbreaking and dangerous research expeditions over the Greenland Inland Ice. The ice at the poles is melting. This will result in huge rises of the sea level and have major consequences for the whole world. Director Lars Ostenfeld has gained unique access to follow some of the world’s leading glaciologists deep into the melting heart of climate change. They risk their own lives as they search for new and essential data to help answer one of the most urgent questions of our time: How fast is the ice melting – and how much time do we have to make a new plan for the world? The answer lies within the ice itself.




Into the Ice

Into the Ice


Lars Henrik Ostenfeld


Malene Flindt Pedersen, Signe Skov Thomsen, Stefan Kloos

Editor / Editors

Marion Tuor


Lars Henrik Ostenfeld


Kristian Eidnes Andersen

In collaboration with

Lundbeckfonden, Novo Nordisk Fonden, Carlsbergs Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen, Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation, Dronning Margrethes og Prins Henriks Fond.



Malene Flindt Pedersen

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