Fat Front
Fat Front
Billede galleri / Picture gallery
FAT FRONT er historien om unge skandinaviske kvinder, der har fået nok af selvhad og skam og stolt kalder sig TYKKE. De kræver respekt og ligeværd i et slanke-fikseret samfund, mens de kæmper med lavt selvværd fra et helt liv. I alt for mange år har de sat deres liv på pause. Ventet med at købe tøj, tage ud at danse, få en kæreste – til de en dag ville blive tynde. Det skete bare aldrig. I stedet fandt de hinanden og den kropspositive bevægelse. Nu slipper de deres deller og blævrende lår fri og bruger deres tykke kroppe aktivistisk. Fat Front er en film om skam og frigørelse, men også en humorfyldt og stærk fortælling om livsglæde og fællesskabets kraft. Med feminismens provokative tone og et kunstnerisk blik på kroppens naturlige skønhed vil FAT FONT ændre vores blik på kroppen.
FAT FRONT is a story about young Scandinavian women who have had enough of self-hatred and shame and proudly call themselves FAT. They demand respect and recognition in our diet-fixated culture while at the same time struggling with their life-long lack of self-esteem. For far too long, they have put their lives on hold and have waited to buy clothes, go out dancing and find love until the day they had become skinny. That day never came – but they found each other and the body positive movement. Now they liberate their rolls of flesh and wobbly thighs and use their bodies as activist tools. Fat Front is a film about shame and liberation as well as being a powerful and funny story of joie de vivre and the power of solidarity. With the provocative tone of feminism and an artistic gaze on norms of beauty, this film will change the way we view bodies.
Fat Front
Fat Front
58 min. / 2 x 40 min.
Production year
Louise Detlefsen & Louise Unmack Kjeldsen
Malene Flindt Pedersen
Marie Hald
In collaboration with
TV2, DFI, NFI, SFI, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Den Vestdanske Filmpulje and Creative Europe Media