En usandsynlig helt
An Unlikely Hero

Billede galleri / Picture gallery
Temperaturen stiger og isen smelter, men hvis de enorme mængder smeltevand forstyrrer Golfstrømmen, kan vi faktisk også pludseligt stå overfor en ny istid. Into the Water er en dokumentar om det livgivende og altødelæggende vand, om planetens enorme oceaner og de videnskabsmænd, der dedikerer deres liv til at forstå, hvordan de påvirker vores fremtid. Det er også historien om en usandsynlig helt, der trods – eller måske faktisk på grund af – en række psykiske diagnoser – spiller en altafgørende rolle for at finde frem til havets hemmelighed.
The temperature is rising and the big ice sheets are melting, but if the huge amounts of meltwater disrupt the gulf stream, we might actually also be facing a new ice age. The ocean currents’ effect on our climate is an unanswered question to the scientists. Into the water is a film about the consequences of the climate change induced changes in the big oceans; it is a film about nature, a film about the top scientists who dedicate and risk their lives in the quest for new important knowledge – but it is also the story about mental challenges and an unlikely hero. Claus deals with several diagnoses that have challenged him all his life, but they are also the reason he is one of the best engineers the climate science world has seen. They call him “the miracle Maker” and he is crucial in finding the all-important answers about the future of our planet.
En usandsynlig helt
An Unlikely Hero
Lars Henrik Ostenfeld
Signe Skov Thomsen & Malene Flindt Pedersen
In collaboration with
Co-funded by the European Union / Creative Europe MEDIA / Lundbeckfonden / Novo Nordisk Fonden / Det Danske Filminstitut